Design & Build
Over 200,000 projects completed to date
Where do you go when something you need just doesn’t exist? Or maybe it does exist but isn’t suited specifically to your needs?
Since 1986 The Steinmetz Engineering Group has taken great pride in providing engineered SOLUTIONS to automation problems in the Food, Pharmaceutical, Medical and Manufacturing Industries. The ultimate “elegant” solution, however, is the one which requires minimal effort, fewest parts, is free from complications and provides measurable operator ease of use. And that is the solution that Steinmetz always seeks.
Our elegant solutions have their roots in years of experience on the production floor. They are brought to fruition by practical, hands-on engineers who know how to design effectively and efficiently. Teaming these personal talents with the latest in CAD, control and manufacturing technologies, allows us to produce systems which provide maximum production efficiency, highest product throughputs and maximum system reliability.